In this episode, we talk with Bryan Cohen about how he built a successful business around his podcast and with his podcast audience. 

Bryan Cohen is the dashingly handsome co-host of The Sell More Books Show. Bryan helps authors sell more books and make more money.



  • Why did you start Sell More Books Show?
  • Where did your idea for the sell more books show come from?
  • You do a great job engaging your listeners in the comments. How do you encourage that engagement?
  • Why did you start using Patreon?
  • How did you launch your Patreon?
  • Let’s talk about your rewards.
  • What comes in the $1 reward?
  • What comes with the $3 reward?
  • How do you track and fulfill the rewards based on how long someone has been a patron?
  • What advice do you have for someone wanting to start a Patreon?
  • What advice do you have for someone wanting to grow their Patreon funding?
  • Would you like to be on the Creative Funding Show? Just click the button that says “Suggest a Guest” you can suggest yourself or someone else to come on the show.

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